St. Monica Parish Organizations 2015-2016
(Human Concerns Commission)
Mission: To share our experience, strength, and hope with families and friends of problem drinkers
Who Can Join: Anyone who is affected by another person's drinking
Dues: Voluntary Contributions.
When You Can Join: Anytime
Contact: or 773-763-1661
Altar Servers
(Spiritual Life Commission)
Activities: Altar servers are young adults who assist the presider at weekend liturgies, weddings, and funerals. Experienced servers may have the honor of assisting on special occasions when a bishop presides at Mass.
Who Can Join: This ministry is open to children from grades 5 - 12 who are currently attending or had attended St. Monica Academy or the Religious Education Program.
Contact: Fr. Greg Lorens, Pastor
Boy Scouts
(Parish Life Commission)
Mission: Working with area boys, ages 11-17, to help build leadership skills and character and promote service in the community.
Activities: Weekly troop meetings, camping trips, and other outdoor activities.
Who Can Join: All parish boys, ages 11-17
Dues: $50 per year
When You Can Join: Anytime
Busy Men's Bible Study
(Spiritual Life Commission)
Mission: To study the Bible
Activities: Bible Study and occasional social gatherings
Who Can Join: All men of the parish
Dues: material fees
When you can Join: September
Children's Liturgy of the Word
(Spiritual Life Commission)
Mission: To present the weekly "Good News" to the children of the parish during the Liturgy of the Word and promote family prayer and faith.
Activities: At most of the 10:30 a.m. Masses on Sundays; presiders give the Gospel Lesson, Readers read the first and second readings and the assistants assist with kids.
Who Can Join: any parishioner from ages 3 to 11.
Dues: None
When You Can Join: Anytime
Contact: Parish Office 773-763-1661
Church Arts & Environment Committee
(Spiritual Life Commission)
Mission: Arts & Environment volunteers assist with the appropriate decoration and appointment of our worship space. Major Arts & Environment projects take place to prepare the church for Advent, Christmas, Lent, Holy Week, and Easter. St. Monica's has long been known for its beautiful decoration during the holidays. We are eager to develop new and creative ideas, in keeping with liturgical guidelines, to continue this tradition.
Contact: Kamil Duda, Director of Music and Liturgy, (773) 763-1661, ext. 116
Cub Scouts
(Parish Life Commission)
Mission: To encourage the boys of the parish to be active in achieving the aims of scouts citizenship training, character development and personal fitness and to participate in various activities, all while making friends.
Activities: monthly pack nights and den meetings, field trip.
Who Can Join: Boys in grades 1-5
Dues: $50 per year
When You Can Join: Official registration is in September, Late registrations are accepted.
Eucharistic Ministers
(Spiritual Life Commission)
Mission: Eucharistic Ministers assist with the distribution of the Eucharist at the liturgy. In addition, Ministers of Care, after training at Archdiocesan locations, bring the Eucharist to our homebound parishioners and to patients in healthcare facilities within the parish. Anyone who has received the sacrament of Confirmation, is at least 16 years old and in the state of grace is welcome to serve in this ministry.
Contact: Fr. Greg Lorens, Pastor
(Spiritual Life Commission)
Mission: The St. Monica Evangelization Team encourages the Catholic community of St. Monica to become a more loving, welcoming, and spiritually vibrant community by serving God and loving one another through prayer and action. We do this by continually evaluating the spiritual needs of our parish through communication, discussion and education. Come to me, all are welcome.
Activities: Adoration, Mass, Parish gatherings.
Who Can Join: Anyone who is Catholic
When You Can Join: Anytime
Foster-Harlem Property Owners Association
Mission: To provide homeowners a better understanding of issues that may affect the community, as well as providing representation and communication to persons or groups responsible for decisions affecting the community.
Activities: Four meetings annually
Who Can Join: Any resident.
Dues: $5.00 annually
When You Can Join: Anytime
Girl Scouts
(Parish Life Commission)
Mission: Social group for girls.
Activities: Earn badges, participate in bake sales, father/daughter dance, etc.
Who Can Join: Girls in St. Monica Parish
Dues: Troops handle dues separately.
When You Can Join: Beginning of the school year
Knights of Columbus
(Parish Life Commission)
Mission: K.O.C. is committed to unity as a Catholic lay organization, charity to those in need, and fraternity with fellow brother Knights.
Activities: Pro-life activities. Keep Christ in Christmas, Tootsie Roll Drive (for S.T.A.R.S.), Lenten Fish Fry and student Contests.
Who Can Join: Practicing Catholic males over 18 years of age
Dues: $36 a year
When You Can Join: Anytime.
(Spiritual Life Commission)
Mission: Lectors proclaim the First and Second Readings at the liturgy and lead the Prayers of the Faithful. Parish coordinators train, prepare, and schedule lectors for their ministry. Young people are also invited to take part in this ministry.
Contact: Mr. Kamil Duda, Music Director, (773) 763-1661, ext. 118
Liturgy Committee
(Spiritual Life Commission)
The liturgy Committee is also part of the Arts and Environment Committee.
Activities: Its primary function is to serve as a feedback group for Pastor and Director of Liturgy. Its secondary function is to assist in preparation of extraordinary liturgies during the Church year.
What is needed to join: a working knowledge of the Liturgy and its requirements.
Meeting times: Are scheduled on an as needed basis.
Contact: Kamil Duda, Director of Music and Liturgy, (773) 763-1661, ext. 118
Parish Council
Mission: To serve the Parish
Activities: Many are Church lectors and ministers as well as participants of the council. We have monthly meetings and support many other parish activities.
Who Can Join: Any practicing member of St. Monica over the age of 18.
Religious Education
(Educational Commission)
Contact: Religious Education Office: (773) 763-1661, ext. 122
Respect Life Committee
(Human Concerns Commission)
Who could join: anybody who wants to work for the respect of life from conception to natural death due to disability or advanced age.
What the committee does: volunteers at the Womens center, Prays at the abortion clinics, helps those who are elderly or disabled. We try to educate the general public on the importance of life in the eyes of God.
When do they meet: View the Parish Calender for more information. Meetings are usually the last Tuesday of the month except during June, July and August
Dues: not at this time.
Other information: We have two special Respect life masses a year. One in October and one in January. Other event that are in the future Novenas for Life, Rosaries and Special days of Adoration for Life. Please review the weekly St. Monica Church bulletin for up and coming events. Please call the parish office for more information 773-763-1661
St. Monica Senior Club
(Parish Life Commission)
Activities: Social gatherings with entertainment or Bingo
Who Can Join: Anyone 55 & over
Dues: $5.00 - $7.00 per year
When You Can Join: September
St. Vincent de Paul Society
(Human Concerns Commission)
Mission: Catholic Lay organization leading men and women to join together to grow spiritually by offering person to person service to those in need.
Activities: Service- monthly goods collection and delivery to poor of Parish; annual “Baby Shower” for women’s center; annual clothing drive for poor; Christmas gift collection for children of St. Thomas of Canterbury; distribution of emergency funds for Parish needy. Social- Interaction at above events, monthly business meetings, Christmas party, Spring Pot Luck dinner for members.
Who Can Join: Parish members
When You Can Join: Anytime
Contact: Parish office (773) 763-1661
Simbang Gabi
(Spiritual Life Commission)
Mission: to experience and educate Filipino-American Catholics' culture and tradition.
Activities: Simbang Gabi Mass during the Advent season, and fundraisers.
Who Can Join: Any Catholic who wants to share a rich Filipino tradition.
When you can Join: anytime
Contact: Parish Office (773) 763-1661
(Special Times and Religious Studies) (Human Concerns Commission)
Mission: Religious education for physically and/or mentally challenged
Activities: This ministry provides Religious Educatifor those with special needs. Our Saturday program meets in the Ministry room, in the parish offie, for projects, lunch and fun, and the Chapel for Religious Education and worship.
When You Can Join: Sessions start in September.
Contact: Parish Office (773) 763-1661
(Spiritual Life Commission)
Mission: Ushers greet people arriving for Mass, handout worship aids, take up the collection, and assist parishioners who may have special needs. They are a welcoming and helpful presence for our parishioners and visitors.
Contact: Fr. Greg Lorens, Pastor